Ganong's Potometer Principle. Gause which states that two species competing for the same resources cannot coexist. The principle of competitive exclusion was proposed by g.f.
Dip the distal end of the tube in a beaker containing water. Potometer works on the principle of (a) osmotic pressure (b) amount of water absorbed equals the amount transpired (c) root pressure (d) potential difference between the tip of the tube and that of the plant. Simple potometer simple potometer to measure the rate of transpiration using darwin's potometer • darwin's potometer works on the same principle as ganong's potometer but here the capillary tube is vertical.
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It consists of a graduated tube dipped into the beaker containing water. The cork contains one hole through which a twig is inserted in the water of the vertical arm. Fermat's principle, newton's ring, michelson's interferrometer', fresnel's diffraction at straight edge.fraunhoffer's difftachan, single slit double slit. • it consists of a glass tube with a side tube as shown fitted with rubber corks.